CANADA | British Colombia | Tofino, Vancouver

Incident Details:

year: 2012
location: Tofino, Vancouver
area: British Colombia
country: CANADA
fatality: non fatal
species: Salmon shark suspec
victim: Kaitlin Dakers
gender: Fe
age: 23
injury: Lacerations to 2 fingers, but shark involvement unconfirmed
species detail: Salmon shark
source: CBC News, 7/23/2012
species: Salmon shark suspec shark
date: 2012.07.19
activity: Surfing

Reconstruction of the Shark Attack

In the year 2012 on the date reported as 2012.07.19 - Kaitlin Dakers, a female aged 23 was Surfing near Tofino, Vancouver. A Salmon shark suspec shark was reported to have attacked Kaitlin Dakers. The attack was non-fatal (Lacerations to 2 fingers, but shark involvement unconfirmed)