Vietnam | Unspecified | Unspecified

Incident Details:

year: 2009
location: Unspecified
area: Unspecified
country: Vietnam
fatality: non-fatal
species: unknown
victim: Nguyen Quang Vinh
gender: M
age: unknown
injury: Lower right leg bitten
species detail:
source: H. Trong & U. Phuong .Saigon Daily 1-13-2010
species: unknown shark
date: 18-Sep-09

Reconstruction of the Shark Attack

In the year 2009 on the date reported as 18-Sep-09 - Nguyen Quang Vinh , a male aged unknown was near Unspecified. An unknown shark was reported to have attacked Nguyen Quang Vinh . The attack was non-fatal (Lower right leg bitten)