Ocean | Caribbean Sea | Between St. Kitts & Nevis

Incident Details:

year: 1970
location: Between St. Kitts & Nevis
area: Caribbean Sea
country: Ocean
fatality: non-fatal
species: unknown
gender: b
age: unknown
injury: Sharks scavenged on bodies but no record of them injuring survivors
time: Afternoon
species detail:
source: Rome News Tribune 8-3-1970
species: unknown shark
date: 2-Aug-70
activity: Sea Disaster Sinking of ferryboat Christina

Reconstruction of the Shark Attack

In the year 1970 on the date reported as 2-Aug-70 - , a female aged unknown was Sea Disaster Sinking of ferryboat Christina near Between St. Kitts & Nevis. An unknown shark was reported to have attacked . The attack was non-fatal (Sharks scavenged on bodies but no record of them injuring survivors )