Ocean |
Unspecified |
UnspecifiedIncident Details:
year: 1970
location: Unspecified
area: Unspecified
country: Ocean
fatality: non-fatal
species: Carpet
victim: Sally Anne Irvine
gender: F
age: 8
injury: Lacerations to lower leg
time: species detail: Carpet shark
source: H.D. Baldridge (1994) SAF Case #1626
species: Carpet shark
date: 5-Feb-70
activity: Wading
Reconstruction of the Shark Attack
In the year 1970 on the date reported as 5-Feb-70 - Sally Anne Irvine, a female aged 8 was Wading near Unspecified. A Carpet shark was reported to have attacked Sally Anne Irvine. The attack was non-fatal (Lacerations to lower leg)