Shark Attacks in Papua New Guinea

Shark attack results 1 to 10, showing page 1 of 128 shark attacks

2019 -> Shark Attack at Ragelapara reef - Central Province - PAPUA NEW GUINEA - fatal - _ Kala Gerea - M - 33

2014 -> Shark Attack at - - PAPUA NEW GUINEA - non-fatal - _ OneDLL - M - 21

2011 -> Shark Attack at Hula near Port Moresby - Central Province - Papua New Guinea - non-fatal - _ Thomas Viot - M - 30

2005 -> Shark Attack at Unspecified - Unspecified - Papua New Guinea - non-fatal - _ Dinah Halstead - F - unknown

2002 -> Shark Attack at Gawa Reefs Sudest Island - Louisiade Archipelago - Papua New Guinea - fatal - _ an elementary school teacher - b - unknown

2002 -> Shark Attack at Brooker Island Calvados Chain - Louisiade Archipelago - Papua New Guinea - non-fatal - _ - b - unknown

2002 -> Shark Attack at Tewatewa Island - Unspecified - Papua New Guinea - non-fatal - _ Billy Leonard - M - 14

2000 -> Shark Attack at Long Island near Madang about 500 km (310 miles) north of the South Pacific nation's capital of Port Moresby - Madang Province - Papua New Guinea - non-fatal - _ Adam - M - 9

2000 -> Shark Attack at Long Island near Madang about 500 km (310 miles) north of the South Pacific nation's capital of Port Moresby - Madang Province - Papua New Guinea - fatal - _ male - M - unknown

2000 -> Shark Attack at Long Island near Madang about 500 km (310 miles) north of the South Pacific nation's capital of Port Moresby - Madang Province - Papua New Guinea - fatal - _ male - M - unknown

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